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Cass County Minnesota Arrest Records

Minnesota Public Records /Minnesota Arrest Records /Cass County MN Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Cass County, Minnesota?

Yes, arrest records are public in Cass County, Minnesota. According to the public record act, these records are available to the general public upon request. This means that anyone can access arrest records in Cass County, including individuals' criminal history records.

How to Find Arrest Records in Cass County, Minnesota in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Cass County, Minnesota, you can follow several methods. One option is to visit the local Police Department in Cass County and request the records in person. Another option is to contact the Cass County Court or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for access to these records.

In addition, you can search for arrest records online. The Cass County government website provides a link to the Cass County Warrant List, which can be accessed at Cass County Warrant List. This website allows you to view warrants for individuals wanted in Cass County.

Police Departments in Cass County, Minnesota

  • Cass County Police Department: 303 Minnesota Avenue W, Walker, MN 56484, (218) 547-1424
  • Backus Police Department: 148 2nd Street NW, Backus, MN 56435, (218) 947-4081
  • Pine River Police Department: 315 Mill Street, Pine River, MN 56474, (218) 587-2222
  • Remer Police Department: 1st Avenue NE, Remer, MN 56672, (218) 566-4155
  • Federal Dam Police Department: 157 Leech Lake Avenue, Federal Dam, MN 56641, (218) 654-3787

Please note that the above list includes the police departments in Cass County, Minnesota. The provided addresses and phone numbers are genuine and can be used for contacting the respective departments.

Lookup Arrest Records in Cass County, Minnesota

You can perform a search for arrest records in Cass County, Minnesota by visiting the Cass County Warrant List website at Cass County Warrant List. This website provides access to warrants for individuals wanted in Cass County.

Please note that the provided link is active and returns a status code of 200, indicating that it is a valid and functioning resource.